Saturday, 29 July 2023

Predictions for remaining entries

[Last updated 11/1/24]

28. Teletubbies - 2414 [Actual: 24]

27. Countryfile - 2525 [Actual: 28]

26. Kilroy - 2636 [Actual: 23]

25. Playdays - 2682 [Actual: 16]

24. Eggheads - 2759 [Actual: 22]

23. Nationwide - 2803 [Actual: 25]

22. Pebble Mill - 2998 [Actual: 23]

21. Homes Under The Hammer - 3115 [Actual: 8]

20. Panorama - 3622 [Actual: 19]

19. Flog It! - 3795 [Actual: 11]

18. (The) Weakest Link - 3811 [Actual: 26]

17. Songs of Praise - 3906 [Actual: 17]

16. Pages from Ceefax - 3968 [Actual: 4]

15. Bargain Hunt - 4205 [Actual: 7]

14. Jackanory - 4330 [Actual: 10]

13. The One Show - 4428 [Actual: 18]

12. Grandstand - 4739 [Actual: 12]

11. Watch with Mother - 5047 [ruled out by Mark]

10. Match Of The Day - 5267 [Actual: 15]

9. Blue Peter - 5478 [Actual: 6]

8. Doctors - 5798 [Actual: 14]

7. Snooker - 6694 [Actual: 9]

6. Cricket - 7963 [Actual: 5]

5. EastEnders - 9655 [Actual: 3]

4. Newsround - 10204 [ruled out by Mark]

3. Play School - 10270 [Actual: 2]

2. Neighbours - 11228 [Actual: 1]

1. Newsnight - 13320 [ruled out by Mark]

Not predicted

PPBs etc. [Actual: 27]

Working Lunch [Actual: 20]

Escape to the Country [Actual: 13]


  1. Hi Guy, I'm Daniel Webb from the most recent BrokenTV's post's comments.

    I made my two lists when the 24th and 23rd places had just been revealed. One list was my main list of things that definitely had enough broadcasts (but may or may not qualify), and the other list was things I had thought of and checked but didn't seem to have enough broadcasts.

    For positions 22 to 11 I had 9 of them on my main list, whilst Escape To The Country was on my 'not enough broadcasts' list. I didn't have Working Lunch or Flog It! on either list.

    For the top 10 I now have 9 shows remaining on my main list:
    Blue Peter [ca 6-7k?]
    Eastenders [ca 7.8k]
    Neighbours [ca 10.6k]
    Newsround/John Craven’s Newsround [ca 8.8k]
    Play School [ca 6k]
    Bargain Hunt [ca 4-5k?]
    Playbus/Playdays [ca 3k?]
    Homes Under The Hammer [ca 3k?]
    Ceefax in Vision/Ceefax Pages/Pages from Ceefax [ca 7k]

    Ceefax was the one I was calling 'not really a programme' and I had thought you were counting it as one of your two 'newsy' ones as I only had Newsnight on my 'not enough episodes' list, though clearly some of my numbers are way out from reality. I hadn't thought of Snooker until after you said you had two generic sports ones, and for some reason I was thinking we'd already had Cricket, but it turns out we haven't.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Interesting! We do seem to match up on most things, which is good. I should explain that my figures come from a naive search on BBC Programme Index - I simply searched for all programmes whose title matched the word or words in question. That would overestimate the true figure in some cases and underestimate it in others, but it at least gave me some rough figures to work on.

    I wasn't sure whether "Pages from Ceefax" would count as a real programme either, but it was listed in the Radio Times (unlike "Ceefax in Vision"), so I included it on that basis. However Mark did specifically say he was excluding "Closedown" on the basis that it was "the absence of a programme", so I'm not really expecting to see it.

    I almost forgot about snooker as well until someone reminded me. Cricket was always bound to be high up the list.

    I'm a bit surprised you thought that Newsnight didn't have enough episodes, as it's been going since 1980, five days a week, for at least 50 weeks a year. So even on a simple back-of-the-envelope calculation that's over 10,000 episodes. However its inclusion hinges on whether Mark counts it as "news" or "current affairs", and given the title I suspect he may have gone with the former.

    Play School must also be near the top, because it ran for 24 years, and for the majority of that time there were five episodes a week with a daily repeat. So again the "back-of-the-envelope" method suggests over 10,000.

    I think it's going to be close between Play School and Neighbours for the top spot if Newsnight is excluded. My head says Neighbours, but my heart wants it to be Play School!

  4. I used a similar method but with the listings database, but clearly I made mistakes somewhere along the line. I hadn't realised that Newsnight was five nights a week (I would have said weekly if anyone had asked me it's broadcast frequency) but looking at tvrdb now I can see 5206 results for it just up to the end of 1999. Play School also seems to return around 5000 results on BBC One and the same on BBC2, so clearly about 10k, so no idea why I had it down as about 6k.
